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How to guide: Neuro Copywriting Techniques

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Neuro linguistic programming (NPL) studies the language of the brain and finds information about how language can trigger certain actions, emotions, and therefore sales. Neuro copywriting focuses more on a scientific perspective of copywriting. Instead of just writing creative copy,  neuro copywriting uses certain language triggers to provoke behavioural changes. Do you want to learn how to properly use neuro copywriting to boost sales? Then you have to look no more! Here you will learn 11 neuro copywriting techniques to boost conversion and engagement!


1. Phrases that spread a positive feeling rather than a negative one

People prefer positive thinking over negative thinking. Different scenarios can always be looked from the positive side or a negative side, much like the question “Is the glass half empty or half full?”. If you give information about your product positively the reader will feel more positive towards the product and the company.  

For example: There has been a study where people reacted negatively to the title of “25% fat minced beef”, while reacting positively to the title of “75% lean minced beef”, which are both exactly the same thing. So remember to present your benefits.

2. “Once upon a time..”

The process of buying goods and services is a very emotional process, which is why neuro copywriting is so useful! No matter what genre stories influence people and evoke their emotion in some way. People always love a good story where they can find themselves escaping from reality. It also captures peoples attention better because people are trying to relate to the story and put themselves in the character’s position. Reading a story activates different parts of the brain: Here it is important to really find a story that is interesting and most people can relate to.

  • Neural Coupling: The reader is able to put themselves in the characters’ shoes and adjust the story to own ideas and experiences

  • Mirroring: Readers will all experience similar brain activity

  • Dopamine: Dopamine is released in the readers’ body when it feels emotions to remember the story better

  • Cortex activity: many cortexes are can be activated when processing facts

There are many neuro copywriting techniques on how to write a good story:

  • Identical situation: Write a story where the situation is similar to the readers’. It will trigger certain emotions in them. You should then find a positive ending or solution to their problem to make them feel like they need your product in order to get rid of their problem

  • Good vs. bad: Show how people without the product or service do not get to go out on their full potential, while the people with the product or service ride on a success-wave

  • Use metaphors: It is a stylistic device that is similar to a simile to paint a picture, so that readers can better imagine what the writer is saying

  • Hero story: The hero story always starts with an adventure, then overcoming obstacles, and in the end he turns into a victor. This way of storytelling is particularly captivating, because people like to identify themselves with a hero.


Neuro Copywriting good story
Source: Jack Daniels

3. Power words that trigger emotion

Like mentioned above, the purchasing process is based on emotions. Using power words can trigger many emotions in readers and are directly making them think about different images. If you read the word “prison” you immediately think about bars, men in orange suits, and security guards, right? What if you read the word “New York”? You would immediately think of skyscrapers, yellow cabs, and a lot of busy people rushing around, wouldn’t you?
See, words are more powerful than you think. There are man positive power words you could use in your copywriting. For this you can use our tool from neuroflash. Here you can set as a goal “happy” to study if the word you want to use give the reader a happy feeling. You can test different words and associations. For example in picture #2 you can notice that we used five different subject lines and the words of each of these subject lines trigger different kind of emotion. Here I wanted to know, which subject line was considered to be the happiest one, which in this case was the third subject line “the perfect guide to optimize your website”. The positive words perfect, guide, and optimize give the reader a positive, happy feeling. This is want you want to achieve with the customer. You can also do this for single words. 

headline happy

4. Use priming

Priming refers to influencing the processing of a stimulus. In most cases, a previous stimulus has activated certain memories. The linking between the stimulus and the memory often happens unconsciously. How to use it in neuro copywriting?
Prepare the reader on what you are going to say, by subtly mentioning your next point, before you actually talk about it, so they are already expecting it. It is also important to address problems early on to make the reader expect a solution in the end. And lastly, use power words early on to plant specific ideas and emotions. 

Neuro Copywriting Priming
Source: McDonald's

5. Clear order of writing

In life everything needs an order to be able to overlook everything. So does your copywriting. If you don’t follow a proper order, everything will look chaotic and your readers will not be able to follow you correctly. This might also put you in a bad spot, because the reader will associate the chaos with your company and therefore not purchase anything from you. So, don’t jump from one point to another, but rather think about the way a customer would think and when which point would fit appropriately. That is what creates a flow for your potential customers.

This should be roughly your order:

  • A catchy headline

  • Features and according benefits

  • Unique selling point and justification of price

  • Refund policy

  • Reviews

  • Call to action
Neuro Copywriting Clear Order of Writing
Source: Amazon

6. Recognize pain points and find solutions

Many copywriters might think, that talking about pain points and problems of the customers will only result in negative emotions. But let me tell you, this is not the case! Recognizing the customers’ problems will create a sympathetic feeling for them making them feel heard and cared for, which then again turns into a sympathetic feeling towards your company.  So, you should address these pain point in the beginning and then proceed to find solutions for your potential customers. 

Neuro Copywriting Pain Points
Source: Bufferin

7. Promote new experiences

People don’t like to be stuck in routine, they love to experience new things. Whether they are new inspirations, memories, emotions, you can capture your reader with new experiences. Be really creative in serving your potential customers this and don’t forget to connect it to your product and company.

Neuro Copywriting new experience
Source: Headspace

8. Fear motivates

“30% off everything only until today 7pm”. Is a good copywriting example that make people experience fear of missing out. Most of them then proceed to really make their cart full and check out on that day, because they fear, if they do not do it until 7pm, they will not be able to benefit from the 30% off any more. You can also use the fear of something unknown, because people always want to be up-to-date, and they are curious about it, so they will proceed on clicking that link. 

Neuro Copywriting fear of missing out
Source. SHEIN

9. People focus on beginning and end

The brain is a funny thing. It usually only focus on the beginning and the end as it is difficult to hold concentration for too long. So you should either have a very short copy, or you should make sure that you put the most important things in the beginning, especially the heading, and in the end (call to action)

10. Play with senses

Touch, smell, taste, sight, and hearing, these are the human senses. It is unbelievable, but with words you are able to play with these senses by making people experience these senses and therefore wanting to buy your product. Just think about it using words like “savoury and delicious pizza” makes your mouth water, while “pizza” just puts an image in your head. Or when describing laundry detergents as flowery, fresh, and pleasurable, you can almost smell the freshness of new clothes. Here it is important to play with examples that people actually know of and have experienced before, Otherwise, they would not find a connection between the words and their senses. 

Neuro Copywriting senses
Mc Donald's

11. Stick to the truth 


Being lied to can be one of the biggest dealbreakers in relationships. That includes relationships between customers and a company. Yes, sure, sometimes you need to exaggerate to make your product or service really stick out, but it is of uttermost importance to be truthful. So, don’t create features that aren’t there, just to sell your product, because for one, you want your customer to be happy to come back, and, word-of-mouth can doom your business more than you think. Just think about all the Amazon reviews you went through to check whether the product is good or not. If it has a small amount of stars and the reviews are mostly bad, because you promised something you couldn’t keep, then others will not buy it either. 

Neuro copywriting is a new phenomenon, but it should not be underestimated. Most copywriters trust their own creativity to convince potential customers, however more should consider the benefits of using neuro copywriting techniques. Our tool from neuroflash is exactly doing that: creating copywriting based on neurotechnology. If you ever feel like you need inspiration or support in being creative, do not hesitate to try our tool for free! Our AI-based newsletter subject generator creates many versions of a subject line or headline. Then it validates each option by showing you how much your open rate would increase (like shown below). 

app 4

Another option is to explore around a certain word. You want to check out what associations the word “trust” has? You can do that with our tool! Just put in your keywords that you want to explore and here you have many words that are associated with trust.

power words trust exploring

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