
How to write an effective ad copy that get you your potential customers

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Advertisement copy are a crucial part of every marketing copywriters working life. It provides information to potential customers to convince them that the product or service offered is the best they can find. However, when done wrongly, it could be a waste of time and money. Are you a content creator or copywriter in the fields of marketing looking for tips on how to create convincing advertisement copy? Then you have to look no more, because here are 12 tips to spice up your texts and win these potential customer over!



  1. Who is your target audience?


    Who are the people you are selling to, and what is it really they want? Try to stop thinking from your position as a copywriter and as an employee of a company, but rather as a customer who is in need of a specific product or service. With your copy you can then address their problem with a solution that sells, so in a way it is a response to their needs.

    Also, do not forget to include your target audience’s demographic data.

    What is their age?
    Where do they live?
    What language do they use?
    What are their hobbies/interests
    What is their job/income?

    It would not make sense to use formal language with a teenage target audience or to use youth slang with elderly people. So keep that in mind when writing your copy!

  2. What is your USP?


    A lot of marketing copy are beating around the bush and are therefore very unclear on what exactly the business’ unique selling point is. Some do not even state their unique selling point. Ask yourself what your product or service has that no other company can offer, and put your information around that important message.  Your unique selling point should be very clear to the customers, who mostly reads ad copy in a hurrying manner.


  3. Headline


    On average 80% of people read the headline while only 20% read the whole text, so headline is key. If you do not hook your readers with your headline, they are not motivated to read your text, no matter how good it is. Do you feel worn out to be creative every day, or do you feel like you need some inspiration? Then you should try out neuroflash’s AI-based newsletter subject line generator. It does not only create many versions of subject lines or headlines for you, it also validates them. Try out our free 7-day trial here.


  4. A clear and convincing call to action


    Make sure your call to action is clear to the customer. You have the best product or service and your potential customer is informed about it, but what should they do now? The best way is to use good designs and a clear and convincing text, such as “Try free 7-day trial here”. The message is clear and potential customers are aware what will happen if they click that button. Also, you should not forget the character limits. It is almost certain that nobody will click on a button that contains a large amount of characters.


  5. You are the customers’ best friend


    Try to avoid very formal language. You would want to make potential customers feel like there is a personal relationship. That you are their friend, who is always there in need. So use informal words like “you”, rhetorical questions and words that make them feel like you are speaking to them personally. But then again that depends on your audience. If you are speaking to formal business people then the language should be more on the formal side. Either way make sure that you are never talking down to your customers. Treat them with respect and dignity.


  6. Go hard or go home


    Nobody wants to be a show-off or want to present them in a way that they are better than others. However, it is important that you use very compelling arguments and “show-off” your product or service to show them how good yours actually is. Don’t worry, your competitors will do the same, so sell your product with very little detail even if it might seem exaggerated.


  7. Expressing emotion


    Use emotional words to awake certain emotions in the reader – no matter if positive or negative. When it triggers their emotions, the ad copy stay long in the potential customer’s mind, and they will think about the message and your business for a while. This is what you want: to stay in people’s minds. It is important to not only stay in their mind, but also to encourage them to act on it. This is all a result of persuasive language. Read information on how and which power words to use here.


  8. Use statistics and numbers

    People always believe arguments more if statistics or numbers are involved as it looks like it is supported by a more approved source.
    But use them with caution! If you stuff them in where they do not belong or if you overdo it, readers will get suspicions or feel negatively towards your copy, which will then again result in them not undertaking any call to action.


  9. Research, research, research


    Every good marketing copy has a long process. The first one is to research properly about the product or service you are writing about, the industry, your target audience, your unique selling point, and what your competitors are doing (how their ad copy looks like).


  10. Be your own biggest critic


    Try coming up with reasons why customers would not want to buy your product or service and try to think of counterarguments. You should clarify them then in your copy so that the customer does not even find room to doubt it.


  11. Use your data


    After publishing your marketing texts check regularly if it is doing well and see what has worked and what not. You can then note them down and make your own “receipt” to use whenever you are suffering from writer’s block. Another option would be to use neuroflashs AI Tools to see how to word subject lines or headlines in a similar to the ones that have worked before. 


  12. What kind of ad?


    It is important to differentiate between several kinds of ad copy. Are you writing a search ad, a banner ad, or a social ad? Here are definitions and creative examples to each group:

    1. Search advertising

    Here companies pay money for having their advertisement displayed in search-engine results when it fits to people’s searches. If you decide to use this kind of advertisement always watch out for a convincing meta headline, meta description and slug

    Creative examples:

ad copywriting agency
ad copywriting seo
ad copywriting car insurance
ad copywriting poster shop
ad copywriting electronics

2. Banner advertisement
This is a component of classical online advertisement, the so-called display marketing. Here graphical advertisement materials are used such as banners, buttons, videos, animations, or pictures.

Examples of convincing banners:    

source: creatopy


3. Social advertising
… is a certain format of advertising that relies on social information and social media networks. Companies collect this information to establish and maintain relationships with customers and to communicate with them.


ad copywriting social ad example 1

As you can see there are many tips that can help you make your marketing copy stand out from the rest. There is no recipe that every copywriter can follow in order to get the best result. It always depends on your product, your company, and your target audience. However, it is never wrong to try and follow these easy steps! If you ever feel worn out or lost for words you can always test our 7-day free trial to get you more inspired. 

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