
Find the best copywriting freelancer

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Copywriting is a great way to express your creativity and make money at the same time. As a freelancer, you can create your own schedule and work as much or as little as you want.

5 reasons why companies need copywriters

In a world where people’s attention is increasingly scarce, companies need to find ever more creative ways to capture and hold the attention of their target audience. A great copywriter can help you do just that. Not only will a copywriter help you find the right words for your advertising and marketing mix, but they can also help package your message in a way that grabs the attention of your target audience and gets them to do business with you. So if you want to be successful and move your business forward, it’s important to invest in a professional copywriter.

  • A professional copywriter knows how to find the right words to convey your brand.
  • He can formulate your ideas in a way that is interesting and appealing to your target audience.
  • A copywriter can write your website, brochures, or other marketing materials so they look good and are easy to read.
  • He can help you develop and implement the right strategy for your business.
  • A copywriter is able to give you feedback and help you develop your brand.

5 tips for working with a copywriter

If you feel that your website or online store could bring in even more sales, it might be because of the copy. The words on your website are crucial for whether someone buys or not. A good copywriter knows how to use words in a way that leads to sales.

So if you want to hire a copywriter to help you generate more sales, you should follow these 5 tips:

  1. Before you hire a copywriter, you should think carefully about what you want. What is the goal to be achieved? Should the website sell better in general? Or should it be about a specific product? The more specific you are about what you want, the easier it is for the copywriter to help you.
  2. Find out about the copywriter’s style beforehand. On his website or in his portfolio you can see what kind of writing style he has and if it is suitable for your purposes.
  3. Tell the copywriter from the beginning how much budget you have. This way, he can concentrate better on the work and does not have to keep asking questions.
  4. During the collaboration with the copywriter, stick to the agreements. For example, if you agreed that he would deliver a text to you every Tuesday, you should also give him the assignment every Tuesday. Otherwise, it will be hard for him to plan his work and deliver on time.
  5. Give the copywriter enough time to do their job. After all, he has to learn and understand what your website is about and what your customers are interested in. So give him at least 2-3 weeks to finish a text or project – depending on what is agreed.

5 tips for working with a freelancer

If you decide to hire a freelancer for your next project, there are a few things you should keep in mind. After all, working with a freelancer is often different than working with an established company. Here are five tips to help you succeed when working with a freelancer:

  1. Take your time to find the right freelancer. Clarify what skills and experience you need, then target candidates who meet those requirements. Also take the time to check references and talk to past clients.
  2. Clearly define the project. The better you define your project, the easier it will be for the freelancer to implement it. So write a detailed briefing document describing exactly what you want.
  3. Set realistic expectations. Note that the freelancer may not be able to implement the project in the same way as a large agency or company. So set your expectations accordingly.
  4. Communicate openly and honestly. Open and honest communication is crucial for a successful collaboration with a freelancer. Write or call the freelancer regularly to discuss the progress of the project and provide feedback.
  5. Be prepared to be flexible. In some cases, original plans may change or unexpected obstacles may arise. So be ready to respond to changes and be flexible when necessary.

How much does a copywriter cost?

There is no universal answer to this question, because the cost of a copywriter can vary greatly. Prices depend on various factors, such as the copywriter’s experience, the volume of work, and the medium in which the text will be published. The competitive situation on the market also plays a role in pricing.

As a rule, however, you can say that a professional copywriter charges between 60 and 80 euros for a text of about 500 words. Of course, there are cheaper offers, but as a rule, it is not advisable to consider the price as the sole criterion when looking for a copywriter. Because a good text is usually also correspondingly more expensive.

The 8 most common mistakes when working with a copywriting freelancer

  1. Copywriters are experts on words, but they are not experts on everything. If you hire a copywriter to design your website, you’ll probably be disappointed. Copywriters are good at writing copy – but design is not their strong suit.
  2. Copywriters aren’t cheap – but they can help you cut your costs. If you try to write texts yourself, you will probably make more mistakes and spend more time correcting those mistakes. A copywriter can help you save time and money.
  3. A good copywriter needs time to get to know your target audience and your brand. He or she needs to understand what you’re selling and how you’re offering it. All of this takes time – so give the copywriter the time he or she needs.
  4. When you tell a copywriter “I have a great idea for a text,” you may expect him or her to implement that very idea. But that’s not always possible or practical. A good copywriter will help you formulate and refine your ideas – but he or she will also decide whether and how to implement the idea.
  5. Copywriters aren’t necessarily expensive – but it’s usually worth investing in a good one. A good copywriter can help you lower your costs and increase your sales. So yes: A good copywriter is expensive – but he or she is also worth it.
  6. Copywriters don’t always have to be online – but it helps when they are. If you hire a copywriter to write copy for you, you don’t have to give him or her new assignments every day or constantly check to see if the work is done. A good copywriter works independently and regularly delivers finished texts – without you having to worry about it.
  7. A good copywriter can also take on other tasks – research or proofreading, for example. So if you’re thinking “I don’t know exactly what I want – I need someone to help me,” then a copywriter is just the person for you.
  8. A copywriter doesn’t replace other marketing efforts – but he or she can definitely help you achieve your goals. So if you’re thinking “I want to get better at social media/generate more sales/get more traffic to my website” etc., then you should consider whether a copywriter is the right choice for you.

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Frequently asked questions & answers

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is a form of writing that aims to achieve specific goals, such as selling a product.

What do copywriters do?

A copywriter is someone who works in the field of copywriting. You are responsible for the conception, creation and revision of texts. They can work for various media such as newspaper articles, advertising campaigns or websites. You must have a flair for language and excellent writing skills.

What is a freelancer?

A freelancer is someone who markets themselves and works for various clients – without being tied to a company. The motivation behind the term emerged in the 1970s, when more and more people began to work independently. Since then, the labor market has changed dramatically and the demand for flexible workers has risen sharply.

Useful tips for copywriting freelancers

  • Focus on a few niches and become an expert in the field.
  • Find out what your customers want and deliver excellent work.
  • Write clearly and understandably – your customers should be able to understand your texts.
  • Pay attention to spelling and grammar – one mistake can quickly damage trust in your company.
  • Use social media to connect with potential customers.
  • Be professional – your clients expect you to meet deadlines and deliver on time.
  • Stay on top of your game – Copywriting is a fast-paced business, so you need to stay on top of your game to keep up.


Hiring a copywriter is a great way to get high quality content for your website or blog. But keep in mind that not all copywriting freelancers are the same. Before you decide to work with a copywriter, you should ask for sample texts to get to know their style. With a little research, you can find the perfect copywriter to take your business to the next level.

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