
IAT and AI-powered consumer insights for better brand decisions

Access millions of brains, implicit associations and consumer sentiments in 18 countries.

Trusted by consumer insights department of well-known brands

We combine consumer emotion data and implicit associations (IAT)

Find out implicit associations, which drive your brand
No survey length or time limits
Stop guessing: data-driven brand strategy

Track consumer associations for your category & brand

Find out what is being connected with your brand
Discover which associations are growing fast
Trend clusters to capture your consumer's mind

How Our Artificial Consumer Brain Works​

We combine Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Neuromarketing to predict what consumers ‘think’. Containing over 300 trillion semantic connections, learned from over 50 billion words consumers read and write.

I love the amount of "Aha-moments" it gave us. neuroflash's insights brought new energy to our marketing team.

Consumer Insights

We offer our cutting edge AI software to support forward-thinking brands and help consumer insights departments to achieve faster and more agile results.

Marketing Research

Learn with our software how implicit associations move consumers to engage, feel and buy in over 15 countries around the world.

Brand Agencies

Are clients convinced you understand their consumers? Win clients by using deep consumer understanding when building strategy and content.

Actionable springboards with items that work