
How to make money with copywriting

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Making money with copywriting isn’t as hard as you might think. Good copy can make the difference between a customer buying something or not. So if you’re good at writing, you should consider starting to make money at it. In this blog you’ll learn all about copywriting and how you can make money online with it.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the art of writing words in such a way that they make the reader take a certain action. This can be, for example, that they buy something, sign up for a newsletter or click on a landing page. Copywriting is often referred to as “sales talk in writing.” Because just like a good sales pitch, the copywriter should captivate the reader from the beginning and guide them through the text until they reach the desired goal (the action).

How do I become a copywriter?

There are several ways to become a copywriter. Most people take the path of study or training. Some may think that it is not necessary to have a degree in communications or journalism, but it is helpful. If you’ve already taken classes in creative writing or advertising technology, that’s also a big plus.

Another important aspect is experience. Many people think that they don’t have enough experience to work as a copywriter, but that’s not true. If you have an interest in the writing industry and are willing to work hard, you can set yourself on the path to becoming a copywriter. There are also some online resources that can help you improve your skills and build your knowledge.

There are many blogs and websites that offer tips and tricks for copywriting. Also, there are more and more online courses and webinars where you can learn how to write more effectively.

How can I earn money as a copywriter?

There are several ways to make money as a copywriter. The first and probably easiest option is to apply to an advertising agency or other company as an employee and work there on a regular basis.

Alternatively, you can work as a freelancer and contact companies or individuals directly who need help with copywriting. Here, too, there are various options, from price per word to flat rates for complete texts.

How much can I earn as a copywriter?

When I decided to work as a copywriter a few years ago, I didn’t know exactly how much money I could make. Of course, there were some estimates and comparisons, but no concrete figures. So I went looking for it and did some research. And today I share with you what I found out.

First of all, you should know that there is no universal rate for copywriting. The amount of the fee depends on various factors, such as the medium (online or print), the size of the job, the target audience, and the experience level of the copywriter. In general, however, the larger and more complex the assignment, the higher the fee. A general rule of thumb is that if you are a beginner, you can expect to pay about 50 to 100 euros per hour. Of course, the more experience you have, the higher your fee will be.

Experienced copywriters can earn up to 500 euros per hour. Of course, there are exceptions up and down here as well. So if you get an order for a blog of 1000 words and you earn 50 euros per hour, then you have 20 hours of work ahead of you. So if you do 150 words in an hour, that’s 3000 words in 20 hours – which means you earn 15 cents per word. For a longer text such as an e-book or a guidebook, you can of course charge more, as more work and time is invested here. For an e-book of 10,000 words, for example, you can estimate 200 euros per hour and thus receive a total of 2,000 euros for the entire text. Of course, you don’t have to work as a copywriter to make money.

There are many other ways to make money on the internet. Here you can find out 5 ways to earn money with writing. But if you love writing and can imagine writing for other people, copywriting is definitely an option for you.

Of course, it is also possible to enter the copywriting profession as a career changer. Nevertheless, it will be difficult to compete successfully in this competitive environment without a sound education. A degree in communications or related subjects provides the necessary knowledge and skills to compete in the industry.

As a rule, a copywriter is paid to write certain texts. This can be done for a variety of different purposes, such as advertising, websites, or product descriptions. To be successful as a copywriter, you need to have good writing skills and usually be knowledgeable about the topic you are writing about.

Depending on the purpose for which the texts are intended, further qualifications may be necessary. For example, texts for advertising should be particularly memorable and sales-promoting. In order to be able to write appropriate advertising texts, it is helpful to be familiar with the subject of marketing.

5 important characteristics of a copywriter

1. a copywriter should be able to make an appeal to the reader’s motivation. Most people are interested in their own goals first and foremost, so it’s important that a copywriter is able to understand and align with them.

2. a copywriter must be able to convince. This includes not only logical argumentation, but also the ability to tell personal stories or evoke emotions. This is the only way to get something across to the reader and actually convince them of your point of view.

3. a good copywriter should always keep track and know what he is writing about. This includes general knowledge about the topic as well as specific knowledge about details and backgrounds. This is the only way to appear serious and make the reader believe what you are saying.

4. a copywriter must have exceptional recruiting ability because otherwise no one will buy, subscribe or recommend the products or service.

5. a copywriter’s completion rate with the reader must be high, because otherwise it was all for nothing.

How and where do I get orders as a freelancer?

One of the best ways to get jobs as a freelancer is to specialize in a specific area. This can be accomplished by attending continuing education courses or gaining experience in a particular field. In addition, it is advisable to create a meaningful portfolio and present yourself on various platforms for freelancers. Personal contacts can also help in the search for orders.

Working as a freelancer is a great way to be flexible and earn some money at the same time. The only question is, where do you find orders? Sure, you can apply or make contacts on various job boards, but there are also a few websites specifically designed for freelancers where you can find new projects on a regular basis.


Advantages and disadvantages of copywriting

Some people believe that copywriting is a superfluous skill because it has no real use. Others believe that copywriting is an essential part of any successful business. There are both advantages and disadvantages of copywriting that you should consider.

Copywriting advantages

Copywriting can help you better organize and express your thoughts. If you copy regularly, you’ll find that your writing skills improve. This is especially useful when you have to give presentations or lectures. In addition, copywriting can help you become more creative. If you need to constantly come up with new ideas, it helps to have a good role model. Copywriting can also help you become a better critic. If you copy other writers, you’ll find out what matters in writing and what doesn’t matter as much.

Disadvantages of copywriting

One of the biggest drawbacks of copywriting is the fact that it takes time and effort to learn it properly. Many people simply give up and opt for a different method of writing. Moreover, copywriting is often boring and monotonous. If you copy the same text over and over again, you will eventually get bored.

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Earn money with copywriting: Here's what you should keep in mind

When you write advertising copy, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, you need to know who your target audience is. So write the text in such a way that it is interesting and appealing to them. Also, make sure that the text is clear and understandable. Use simple words and phrases so everyone understands your message.

1. keep your text short and concise

The first tip is to keep your text short and concise. Many readers have a short attention span and don’t want to struggle through long texts. Therefore, you should try to make your text as short and crisp as possible. A good way to do this is to put the most important information in the first few paragraphs.

2. write in a simple language

Another important tip is to write in simple language. Avoid using jargon or abbreviated words. Instead, you should try to write as clearly and understandably as possible. Keep in mind that many of your readers may not be as familiar with the topic as you are.

3. use bullet points

Another good tip is to use bullet points. This is a great way to make your text clear and reader-friendly. It also makes it easier for readers to filter out the most important points.

4. keep your text interesting

Of course, you also want to make sure your ad copy is interesting. After all, you want to hold the reader’s attention and get them to read to the end. A good way to do this is to include examples or anecdotes. These can make your text more lively and interesting.

5. work on your writing style

Lastly, you should also work on your writing style. Make sure your text flows smoothly and is pleasant to read. Avoid including unnecessary words or phrases. Instead, you should try to express yourself clearly. If you pay attention to this, your text will look more professional and readers will be more likely to enjoy it.

Frequently asked questions & answers

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the writing of advertising copy.

How to make money with copywriting?

By writing advertising copy for companies.

Why is copywriting a good way to make money?

Because it’s a niche where many companies need help.

Useful tips

  1. Start your own website or blog and offer your services there. Write for other websites or blogs as a guest author.
  2. Create content for social media, such as Facebook posts or tweets. Sell your own digital products, such as e-books or online courses.
  3. Offer your services as a freelancer, for example as a ghostwriter or proofreader. Work for a content marketing agency or other company that creates copy for their clients.
  4. Give seminars or workshops on copywriting and earn money with your knowledge.


Making money with copywriting requires several steps, but they are not as complicated as you might think at first. Some people sell their services to companies as freelancers, others create their own products like online courses or books. If you’re creative and good with words, copywriting is a great way to make money online.

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