
Toyota vs. Hummer: How can you analyze brand performance?

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Being able to analyze brand performance is a powerful tool that helps you know where your business stands in the minds of consumers. Furthermore, it lets you know whether you are achieving the values you set out to have.

So, how can you quickly measure brand performance and save yourself time and effort of market research? With the help of neuro-semantic analysis and Big Data insights coming from over 60 billion words, read and written by consumers.
This wealth of data and artificial intelligence enables us to predict the associations people have with brands, enabling you to analyze brand performance. To illustrate, we will compare two automotive giants (Toyota and Hummer) across a series of brand values.

Which Brand is More Adventurous in the Mind of Consumers?

First, ask yourself: between Toyota and Hummer, which brand do you think is more adventurous, economical, or fun?
Traditionally, market researchers had to ask people their views on these brands through surveys and focus groups in order to answer this question. But now there’s a faster, unbiased method.
With the help of Big Data, you only have to input the brand values you want to know about. Then, the results are generated based on the most likely associations consumers have with the brands, extracted from billions of words scraped from culture.
So, we will compare the two brands on the following values:

Big Data and Neurosementatic Analysis Can Quantify Brand Performance

You simply input these parameters into the FLASH AI and an assessment is instantly generated:
toyota vs hummer results
If you want to quickly analyze your brand performance with the help of Big Data, sign up now for FLASH AI 3-day trial.

Precise Output and Comparisons

In addition to visual representations of the brand values, it is possible to receive an Excel file with the precise numerical outputs of each dimension:
toyota vs hummer
Thus, from this table, we can clearly conclude that although Hummer is not perceived as economical or efficient as Toyota, it is perceived to be more adventurous and fun.
Such insights on consumer perception have deeper implications in how these cars appeal to certain segments of the market.

Why Measure Brand Performance with Big Data?

Quantifying brand values using artificial intelligence is handy for several reasons, including:

How does it work?

FLASH AI gets its data from publically available text. It sources through all open text (from articles to news to social media) in order to make its predictions about the consumer associations. For this analysis, the dataset contained over 60 billion words. Find out more about the methodology in this video.
If you want to analyze your brand performance or measure your headlines or content, try out our platform by signing up for a free 3-day trial.


Measuring brand performance can be done in many ways. Traditionally with focus groups or online panels as well as using consumer associations based on big data, as shown here. In the end, Brand Equity is a very deep subject, and it is often not enough to compare two brands on a set of values. In fact, there may be over 300 other brand values that have an impact on a brand’s perception.
FLASH AI is a good starting point for analyzing brand performance on the dimensions you can think of, especially if the results are needed quickly.
For a more holistic analysis, in-depth and considering all relevant brand values and competing brands, you may want to consider our consulting Brand Equity service.

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