
GPT-3 – What’s the deal about it?

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Artificial intelligence - we've heard a lot about it. But what exactly is GPT-3 all about? What can it actually do? And should humans now be afraid of GPT-3? You'll find the answers in this blog article.
Source: Katzlberger

What is GPT-3?

2020 was the year for tech geeks. Why? GPT-3 was born! GPT-3 is an autoregressive language model developed and launched by OpenAI. It is based on a gigantic neural network with 175 million synapses and can add and compose texts by itself under minimal specifications. It is the largest Natural Language Processing Transformer (NLP) that can accurately and effectively reproduce human thought and reasoning patterns. The generated texts are so well composed that readers can no longer distinguish them from texts written by humans. Since GPT-3 was launched in 2020, it generates an average of 4.5 million words a day and is used by more than 300 apps.


How does GPT-3 work and does it speak German?

Wie funktioniert GPT-3
Source: Jay Alammar

GPT-3 uses a neural network based on a deep learning model. It uses certain AI algorithms and existing content to create new content. The AI looks for certain patterns and tries to draw conclusions from them, just like back in school. Remember? Teachers taught you theories, and you had to apply them to different tasks. That’s basically how it works with GPT-3. The AI trains its algorithms by collecting data, drawing conclusions and applying them to new content. As a result, it gets feedback and improves its algorithm. If the algorithm is good enough to draw conclusions, then the GPT-3 AI uses this knowledge for new data. The important thing here is that the AI is constantly being “fed” with new and large data so that it can continue to grow and learn. 

The fascinating thing is that this AI can even create custom content. It does this by using information and interactions from individual customers, learning from it, and presenting new content targeted to the individual customer. GPT-3 has been trained with a Western text corpus and does best with English and German, but most programs are from the US and therefore most languages are simply translated from English. neuroflash is the only German company whose GPT-3 AI is bilingual and thus speaks German as well as English.


What can you do with GPT-3?

GPT-3 example adidas
Source: searchpilot

GPT-3 can be your personal interpreter, programmer, author, journalist and poet, among other things. What else can it do?

  • Generates codes and understands your written codes
  • Design beautiful website templates
  • Shows you how to generate a JSX layout using simple language
  • Generates regex
  • Clone website using URL of that website
  • Object use-case generation: you type an object (e.g. apple) and it tells you what you can do with it (peel, cut, cook, bake, purée)
  • It can make diagrams and tables when commanded in simple language
  • It can play games or evaluate things (e.g. Art pieces)
  • Philosophize (e.g. look in the pictures below)
  • Write machine learning models
  • Generate formulas by describing the equation with simple words
  • Create animations
  • Create 3D scenes/objects
  • Create good resumes
  • Generate live sports tickers


How good is it really? Can GPT-3 AI be dangerous?


GPT-3 comparison
Source: endila

Ever heard of Liam Porr? Neither did I, but what he did with GPT-3 is astonishing! He used the new AI as an experiment that wrote entire blog posts. That in itself is quite remarkable, but what came after is unbelievable: one of the posts got to be #1 on Hacker News and most readers didn’t even notice that it wasn’t written by a human copywriter, but by an AI. 

There has been a lot of talk about GPT-3 and its capabilities – ridiculed by some, actively supported by some. But this blog by Liam Porr is proof of what AI is already capable of – writing content in a human way. 

The same goes for an article from The Guardian titled “A robot wrote this whole article. Are you scared yet, human?” which was written entirely by a GPT-3 based AI. Fascinating and scary at the same time, isn’t it?

Also, some people have been questioning whether humanity should be afraid of the AI now, but the AI just replies nonchalantly that it would not be the intention of it to wipe out humanity. Today GPT-3 cannot destroy mankind yet, but we don’t know yet what will be possible in a few years. Now we should be aware that AI can support us in many tasks and not take over our job completely. So you are still very irreplaceable!

Future prospects of GPT-3

OpenAI had already released GPT-2 in the year 2019 – the predecessor of GPT-3. Back then it could already write texts well, but was still far from being as good as human copywriters. Then came GPT-3, the largest human-like NPL transformer.

What will happen after GPT-3? Will GPT-4 and other series come in the future? Nothing is certain, but considering how quickly GPT-3 was launched after GPT-2, you can be pretty sure that more will follow after GPT-3. It is also certain that more companies will get scent of GPT-3 based AI and use it to increase the productivity, creativity and efficiency of their marketing teams. 

neuroflash – How we use GPT-3

neuroflash has had access to GPT-3 since December 2020 and has been integrating the speech production system into their own software since January 2021. Our AI-generated subject line tool creates many different subject lines and even validates them! The AI shows by how much percent the open rate would increase if you took that particular subject line. So say goodbye to creativity and writer’s block and hello to compelling email subject lines and higher open rates. Try our free trial here now!

Examples of GPT-3

GPT-3 example 1
Source: twilio
GPT-3 example 2
Source: Raphael Milliere
GPT-3 example 3
Source: Raphael Milliere

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