
105 Headline Ideas To Inspire Your Next Campaign

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Coming up with creative advertising headlines and slogans has always been a challenge for marketers, often taking brands weeks and months from ideation to the final copy. Creating a good headline might seem simple at first glance. It’s only one sentence. Nothing too wild, right? But coming up with a catchy headline can turn out as a great headache if you have a writer’s block or don’t know your audience at all. Trust me.

A good advertising copy must attract attention, command interest, create desire, inspire conviction, and provoke action. Because only then you can attract new customers and make them buy your product. Therefore, a catchy headline is essential to get your customer’s attention. But how to create good headlines? And why are they so important? 


The importance of headline writing for your online business

You could say that headlines are the most important part of your content writing. It’s the first thing that your audience reads and they use it to decide whether or not to read your content. The headline you create is, in effect, the first point of connection with potential new customers. You should therefore make sure that you make a good first impression. You should not desperately try to sell to your audience, but to draw them towards wanting to know more. A well-written headline is, therefore, a must, not least because of the following reasons: 

  • it builds the trust of your readers and reputation 
  • it helps in SEO 
  • it pulls in new customers 
  • you can gain new readership 


How headline writing can boost your sales

It is out of question that as a copywriter, you want your content to be consumed by the right audience. And vice versa, your audience wants to consume content that they perceive as important and that has an added value for them. But before even reading your advertising copy, you must attract your audience’s attention with an engaging headline. Because a great headline is not just something you should aspire, it’s crucial and game-changing in our fast-paced world of advertising.

Do you want to write headlines that your audience responds favourably to? That attracts the people you are looking for? Let’s have a look at some points required to write great headlines!

  1. The first thing you have to keep in mind when you do headline writing is: Know your audience. Let’s be honest, no one wants to read generic headlines. When creating a headline, you must always consider your audience’s expectations and demands. The choice of words might attract one target group, but turn off another one. 
  2. Optimize your headline for SEO. Companies sometimes tend to underestimate the relevance of so-called ”focus keywords”. Including them helps your headline and content to get discovered easier in search engines. You should build your headline around the focus keyword or even place it as the first word in your headline as it will rank higher in search results then. But make sure that your headline is not too long! Make sure it has fewer than 70 characters. 
  3. Create curiosity. Headline writing that does not contain too much information and makes the audience curious, makes them want to read more, is the goal. A few headline examples: ”McDonalds has started putting cameras in dumpsters – here’s why”, ”This is what happens when you reply to spam email”, ”Are you still driving a 10-year-old car? You might regret it”. Creating curiosity gaps in headlines can be really effective. Headlines should be specific enough to entice the audience, but not so specific that the reader does not need to click anymore.
  4. Offer a solution. When reading a headline, we subconsciously ask ourselves: Why should I continue reading? If you as a copywriter can give the audience the feeling that you can solve their problem or give them what they want, they are more likely to read your content.
  5. Use technology. There are tools such as a headline generator that works with the help of AI – a piece of brilliance if you ask me. Type in your topic and focus keywords and the headline generator creates engaging headlines within seconds. Even if you don’t want to use the headlines created, the headline generator could trigger ideas helping you to create great headlines that attract and convert customers. Save valuable time and effort by making use of artificial intelligence. 

“Don’t exaggerate: An honest line always feels warmer” – Marketing Examples

“No one cares what you can do: Everyone cares what you can do for them” – Marketing Examples

Companies such as Apple, M&M, Volkswagen, Nike and McDonalds created so powerful taglines throughout their branding campaigns that people after just hearing their “pitch”, instantly relate it to their brand and their associated products. “Just do it” simply leads me to put my Nike sneakers on and go for a jog.


Hubspot had a great summary of 27 Companies With Really Catchy Slogans & Brand Taglines from the marketing history.

How can technology help me creating headlines?

Today, technology is giving us more resources to make this process more efficient. With the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), brands are able to brainstorm and narrow down their creative ideas much faster. The neuroflash Tester is one of the tools in the MarTech space that helps you do just that with text suggestions! Believe it or not, neuroflash is able to both create different kinds of texts and content for you and predict how your audience will feel about it. Impressive, right? Create catchy headlines that speak directly to the part of the brain your audience subconsciously cares about. Whether you would like to create a Facebook ad, a CTA, product descriptions, or headlines for various channels. Headline writing seems much easier with such a headline generator. As mentioned before, it can also help you to save time by giving you ideas when you do headline writing. You don’t need to rack your brain anymore. 

To help you get inspiration for your next marketing campaign, we have pulled 105 headline ideas from the neuroflash Tester to support your creative process. Have a look! 


Note: Consider the below for inspiration only, as some of the taglines might have copyrights.

  1. Soon every home will have it! 

  2. Every day is an opportunity to do more. 

  3. Put all your heart into life. 

  4. We bring your idea to life. 

  5. My whole life unfolds before me. 

  6. Always ready for the things to come. 

  7. Put us to work for you. 

  8. Enjoy and achieve: Every day matters. 

  9. The power to do it all. 

  10. The power to get more done. 

  11. Our mission is to simply delight you…every day. 

  12. You imagine it. We bring it to life. 

  13. With you every degree of the way. 

  14. We’re ready to work for you. 

  15. A passion for every generation and the next. 

  16. Always right in front of you anytime, anywhere. 

  17. We take you all the way. 

  18. We give ideas room to develop! 

  19. We bring living space to life.

  20. Where great ideas come to life.

  21. We make ideas come to life.

  22. Where great ideas go on to do great things.

  23. Loved by those who love technology.

  24. Care for your smile with beautiful innovation.

  25. A brighter future – With expertise on your side.

  26. The power of ideas at work.

  27. Inspire people – create entrepreneurial flexibility.

  28. The vision to bring ideas to life.

  29. Innovative.

  30. For greater performance and efficiency.

  31. Passion for innovation.

  32. Love of motion.

  33. Where innovation is part of our scenery.

  34. The good technology for a better life.

  35. Passion for perfection.

  36. Belief in innovation.

  37. Flexibility is strength.

  38. Using innovative ideas to shape the future.

  39. Passion for ideas, the knowledge for change.

  40. Creating new markets for great ideas.

  41. Where beauty and technology come together.

  42. The best ideas are the ideas that help people.

  43. At Innovative, our name is our mission.

  44. After all, life is to enjoy.

  45. Life is what you make it.

  46. A smile that’s good for life.

  47. Put a shine on your life.

  48. It’s a relief to enjoy life.

  49. Celebrate the moments of your life.

  50. Your partner for a healthy home.

  51. Put a little joy in your life.

  52. For the journey that is life.

  53. Helping you enjoy life to the full.

  54. Life is good.

  55. Make it great.

  56. A tradition of achievement.

  57. A future of opportunity.

  58. A partner for people.

  59. For life.

  60. Honor.

  61. As a way of life.

  62. A firm foundation for a life of opportunities.

  63. The best for you and your home.

  64. For people who love their home.

  65. In a word, your home for life.

  66. Bringing enjoyment and quality to life.

  67. And life is good to you!

  68. It’s fun fun fun fun fun! It’s another of life’s great pleasures.

  69. Fun to give.

  70. Great to get.

  71. The fun shines on and on.

  72. It’s always a pleasure to play.

  73. Enjoy the wealth of our experience.

  74. Whatever you do, we make it memorable! Amazing what you can do here.

  75. It’s amazing what ONE can do.

  76. For a world of exciting opportunities.

  77. This is your moment to be beautiful.

  78. Great choice, great offers, just perfect A world full of delicious opportunities.

  79. It’s the best fun work can be! Savour the pleasure of the experience.

  80. Great people.

  81. Great care.

  82. Great fun.

  83. The start of a great adventure.

  84. So much fun – So many places.

  85. A strong team for your success.

  86. What makes it beautiful is what it does.

  87. Because you are someone very special.

  88. Give it to someone you love.

  89. A great friend for all the family.

  90. Your partner for a healthy home.

  91. The best for you and your home.

  92. For people who love their home.

  93. Find the love of your life.

  94. Where great family holidays are made.

  95. Where great family holidays are made! Family holidays that last a lifetime.

  96. Live your life, love your home.

  97. Made by our family for your family.

  98. Give your family the best for goodness sake.

  99. For you and your home this Christmas.

  100. Your home is in our trust.

  101. Because your baby deserves the very best.

  102. It’s a great time to be a family.

  103. For you and your family, naturally.

  104. A good home lasts a lifetime.

  105. Balancing family, work, love, time for you.

Sorting through text suggestions can be cumbersome of course. That’s why neuoflash automatically shows suggestions based on your input text, e.g. “headline content writing” and your communication goal, e.g. making people feel positive. You can define and specify various dimensions and target groups to get the best results for your aspired goals.
See below how you can get a customized recommendation this way: “Where great stories come to life”. 
Neuro Flash interface text suggestions
Neuro Flash interface text suggestions

Why you should test different types of headlines

As you can tell from the list of headlines above, there are countless directions to take your headlines in. You can create different emotions, ask a question, or appeal to your audience. The possibilities are endless. Further, there are no rules when formatting your headlines. You might only use a question, a statement, or an assumption. No matter how, your job is to pique the audience’s interest and get them to read your content. 

Testing different types of headlines is therefore crucial to find out what your audience responds to most. Building data upon which you can make decisions is the key to create the right headlines for different target groups. You should never underestimate the importance of testing. Did you know you can test your headlines with the neuroflash app as well?

Are you curious to try it yourself? Do you also want to create powerful and engaging headlines with the help of AI? You can start today.

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