Positive and negative brand attributes

Brand attributes are characteristics that inspire a positive emotional response in customers and that we consistently associate with our brand in order to ensure we can be recognized by customers in terms of personality and characteristics.They are the set of unique fundamentals and characteristics that identify the physical, character, and personality traits of the brand in the market and in the minds of the customers.
This flower graph shows the positive and negative brand attributes of loreal. Attributes closer to the middle are more strongly associated with loreal.
Color indicates mood. More green means more positive, more red means more negative. The top 5 positive attributes associated with the loreal brand are suave, flawless, lustrous, bold and glamorous. Succesful brand communication often utilizes what people already like about a brand to drive positive perception.
The top 5 negative attributes associated with the loreal brand are superficial, dull, envious, unflattering and jaded.
Size indicates the attributes’s commonness in the country (USA). Big means more common, smaller means less common.
Used marketing or brand slogans of Loreal
- Because I'm worth it. (1973)
- More beautiful by design. (1993)
- Because you're worth it. (2006)
- Advanced haircare. (2013)
Hint: You can create new slogans within seconds with our AI copywriting software. Read further to find our how that works.
New content ideas fitting well to Loreal
- The No-Makeup Makeup Look
- 7 Ways to Maximize Your Skincare Routine in Just 10 Minutes
- Do your Skin a FAVOR! Avoid These Mistakes
- 5 Ways to Take Good Care of Your Skin While You Sleep
- THE BEST Products for Acne-Prone Skin (That You Can Find at Walmart)
- The easiest way to Get Perfectly Clear Skin... Does it Work?
- "Does Acne Have ANY Joy in it? :P" (Review of Contour Cream)
- 3 Easy Tips That Will Help You Sleep Better
- Find out Which Products are Right For You By Taking Quiz!
- Why Bigger ISN'T Always Better The data used for this process can be gathered by scraping the web, social networks, customer databases from company websites, emails, reviews from product review companies, data sites, forums and even from social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. In this way the data is readily available becoming potentially a rich source of ideas for content marketing campaigns. A possible implementation of this process would be to produce a sort of "software robot" capable of going out on the internet and performing these searches automatically while at the same time extracting key information from any websites
Hint: These content ideas were generated by neuroflash's AI and are unique.
Brand perception of Loreal
How consumers perceive your brand is important for its success. Brand awareness and Brand perception influence your profit and even the stock price (Colladon et al. 2019).
In comparison to other brands the consumer perception of Loreal is >50-79% (slightly positive [60%]) in comparison to other brands. Loreal carries gentle dominance [37%] and is perceived slightly feminine.
Free Images fitting the Loreal brand
These pictures match the association of "Loreal". Refer to the original sites for referencing requirements.
How to communicate Loreal products
Get inspired by our semantic related topics associated around the brand loreal. Main topics you can communicate are individuality, deeplearning, chocolate, therapy and femininity.
Sub-topics for the topic cluster individuality are diversity, originality, knowledge, expertise, personality and identity.
Sub-topics for the topic cluster deeplearning are biohacking, tensorflow, nanotech, citylife, nan and nan.
Sub-topics for the topic cluster chocolate are taste, nan, nan, nan, nan and nan.
Sub-topics for the topic cluster therapy are rejuvenation, hydrotherapy, dermatology, nlp, coach and nan.
Sub-topics for the topic cluster femininity are beauty, sensuality, hairstyle, celebrity, nan and nan.
Have fun creating awesome new content! Any in case you want an AI which creates new content around those ideas, just ask the neuroflash AI to help you."
Most addressed Jung archetypes of Loreal on socials in 2020
As regards the top 3 archetypes for loreal, the first one is The Ruler when it comes to communicating effectively with your customers. The Ruler is defined as follows: The ruler is a classic leader and creates order from the chaos. They strive for excellence, are stable, and want everyone to follow their lead. Yet being controlling and stern, they are very organized and responsible. Example brands are: Microsoft, Mercedes-Benz, and British Airways.
The second Jung archetype that aligns with loreal is the The Lover. It is defined as follows: The Lover aims to create intimate moments and inspires love, commitment, and passion. Lovers are all heart and sensitivity and love to lavish it on other people. They enjoy everything that is pleasing to their senses. Example brands: Chanel & Victoria’s Secret.
And, last but not least, we have the The Creator. The definition for this archetype is the following: The creator is not only imaginative and inventive, but they are also driven to build things with meaning and value. They love to transform things and create something completely new. They are also clever and self-sufficient. Example brands include: Lego, Adobe, Playmobil.