We all have our last day at work at some point. Whether it’s retirement, termination or parental leave, saying goodbye is never easy. Nevertheless, you should say goodbye to your coworkers properly. Therefore, a farewell email to coworkers is an essential part of a last day at work. A farewell email to coworkers should always be personal and positive. It is important to address the respective relationship with the coworkers and to thank them for their cooperation. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to find the right words. We have therefore put together a few tips and examples for you, so that you can give your farewell email the right polish!
Why write a farewell email to coworkers?

Last day at work: Now it’s time to say goodbye to your coworkers. However, this is not an easy task as you have to part with people with whom you might have worked for years. All the more reason to make the difficult situation a little easier with a good farewell email and let your coworkers know that you really appreciate them.
There are a few reasons why it can be worthwhile to write a farewell email to coworkers. On the one hand, you can express your gratitude for the time you spent together. On the other hand, you can also pass on a few words of advice to your coworkers in the farewell email, paving the way for their future.
A farewell email can be especially important when you are leaving for a new professional challenge. With a farewell email, you can avoid burning bridges and good relations with your previous coworkers. It pays to maintain contacts in the working world and maybe even make new ones. All in all, a farewell email is a nice gesture on the last day of work, through which you can leave your workplace on a good note.
Quickly and easily formulate a farewell email to coworkers with neuroflash
With an AI text generator like neuroflash, you can have a farewell email generated within seconds. This way, you don’t have to worry about content and wording, but the AI does most of the work for you. The neuroflash text generator is extremely easy to use. Only a few important information and keywords are needed to compose a complete email. Here you can see how it works:
First, you can use neuroflash to find a suitable subject line for your farewell email. Specify the occasion of your email and choose some keywords like “work” or “farewell” to narrow down your topic enough. Then click on “Create” and the neuroflash AI will provide you with some suggestions for a good subject line:
Now for the content of the mail. To do this, you can write a few key points about your farewell email to coworkers and insert them into the text generator. The AI will then do the rest:
Alternatively, you can let neuroflash write the complete email text. This is especially useful if you do not have any key points prepared for the content. To write an email text with the AI, you only need to briefly specify the topic and the occasion of the email:
Finally, neuroflash offers you the unique opportunity to add the emotions you want to your email so that your text hits the right tone. Choose the tone that best suits your farewell email before letting the AI create your text.
Create the perfect farewell email to coworkers for any occasion in no time. Use your free neuroflash account to generate up to 2,000 words per month for free. In addition to our email features, we also offer over 80 different text types. There are no limits to your creativity!
8 rules of thumb for a successful farewell email to coworkers
If you want to say goodbye to your coworkers, there are some rules you should follow. To ensure that the farewell email to coworkers is successful and well received, you should keep the following aspects in mind:
- Find an appealing subject line: The first step in writing a farewell email is the subject line. This should be short and to the point and match the situation. For example: “Farewell after 10 years” or “New job – farewell to XY”. However, make sure that the subject line is not too long.
- Brevity is the spice of life: Your coworkers are probably very busy at work and don’t have time to read a long-winded goodbye email. That’s why you should pay attention to the length of the text when saying goodbye. Just tell your coworkers that you’re leaving and thank them for the time you spent together. If you want to share some words of wisdom or a joke to lighten the mood, do so. Otherwise, keep it short and sweet!
- Stay authentic: To ensure that your farewell email to coworkers doesn’t come across as phony or hypocritical, try to remain honest. Depending on what applies to you, you can choose from several approaches: Thank your coworkers for all they have done for you. Tell them that you appreciate their friendship and support and that you will never forget them. Wish your coworkers continued success in their careers and in life. Tell them you hope to see them again someday and that you are sure they will all accomplish great things. Stay in touch with your coworkers if you want to keep in touch. Give them your email address or social media contacts and tell them they can contact you anytime.
- Choosing the right time: There is no universal rule for the right time to send a goodbye email to coworkers. However, as a rule, you should not send the mail too late – the closer you get to the actual goodbye date, the more likely it is that your coworkers have already said goodbye to you and they will only receive the mail as a reminder of your absence. At the same time, don’t send the goodbye email too early – the more time you have until your goodbye date, the less likely it is that all coworkers will remember the content of the email. If you are unsure when would be the best time to send a goodbye email, you can also try to talk to some coworkers to find out if they would be interested in receiving an email and when would be the best time for them.
- Phrase emotions carefully: It’s important to announce your last day at work in a positive mood when you write your farewell email to your coworkers. Remember that you probably won’t see most of them in the future, so don’t give them a reason to remember you negatively when they think of you. Avoid complaining and complaining about your current situation. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of your transition. Thank your coworkers for all they’ve done for you, and wish them well in the future.
- No bitter words: A farewell email to coworkers is not the right place to vent your possible anger. Always keep in mind that you may run into your coworkers again in the future – whether in another job, with another employer, or at a conference. It is not only unfair, but also short-sighted to complain or even insult your coworkers in a farewell email. Always remember that you can’t delete the farewell email once it’s sent, and that your coworkers might save it and forward it to others. So whatever you write in your farewell email is irreversible.
- Have a neutral person read over it: Once you’ve finished writing your goodbye email to coworkers, it’s worth getting another neutral perspective. This can be a friend or family member, but also someone from your social circle. This way you can make sure that you don’t come across as too negative or too positive about your employer and that the farewell email is authentic.
- Sleep on it: Especially if you got a little emotional while saying goodbye, it can be worthwhile to save the mail in your templates before you finally send it. This gives you a chance to sleep on it and then look at it again the next morning when you’ve had a good night’s sleep.
Farewell email to coworkers: These are the mistakes you should avoid
Um sicherzustellen, dass deine Kollegen auch nach deinem Abschied noch positiv an dich denken, solltest du einige Fehler in deiner Abschiedsmail vermeiden. Dazu gehören:
- A tone that is too formal or too personal: If you’re too formal, it sounds like you’re saying goodbye to your coworkers out of compulsion. Instead, choose a friendly but professional tone. On the other hand, don’t get too confidential either and share things about your personal life that your coworkers aren’t interested in.
- Too many details about your new job: If you change jobs, your coworkers will be happy to hear that you have a new job. However, you shouldn’t share too many details about your new employer or your salary. This could make other coworkers jealous or make them feel that you have already turned your back on them.
- Criticize your old employer or coworkers: You should not criticize your old employer or coworkers in your farewell email. Even though you may have been unhappy, it’s not a good idea to say so in an email. It’s better to keep these things to yourself and speak positively about your experience at the company.
- A farewell email that is too long or too short: If the farewell email to your coworkers is too long, this can lead to them not having time to read the email thoroughly, as mentioned before. However, if the text of your farewell email is too short, it could make your farewell seem very cold and rude.
- Don’t go overboard with the humor: It is perfectly legitimate to include some funny sayings or nice sayings in your farewell email to lighten the mood. Nevertheless, you should not overdo it with the jokes and try to forcefully be funny. This could make the coworker farewell look ridiculous and make your behavior seem immature.
As you can see, there is a whole range of aspects to consider when writing a farewell email to coworkers. On top of that, you still have to write the mail and formulate it appropriately. Writing a farewell email can become a challenge, especially if you are not good with words yourself. So don’t hesitate to use of neuroflash, in order to make this difficult task a little bit easier.
Types of farewell emails to coworkers
Depending on where your further journey goes, the occasion of your farewell email to coworkers and the template of the mail will change, of course. Here are some examples of how you can build your farewell email for your specific occasion (generated by the neuroflash AI).
Farewell email for retirement
A farewell email is a great way to officially thank all the people you’ve met and worked with throughout your career. It’s also a chance to share a little wisdom and humor with your coworkers before you head into a well-deserved retirement.
When saying goodbye to your retired coworkers, you should write a heartfelt, thankful and positive email. In your email, you can thank your coworkers for the support and help they gave you during your time at work. You can also share some fond memories of the time you spent together. Finally, you wish your coworkers all the best for the future.
neuroflash example:
Dear coworkers,
I would like to say goodbye to all of you and thank you for the wonderful time we had together. It was a pleasure to work with you and I will keep fond memories of you all. I wish you all the best for the future and hope to see you again sometime.
Best regards,
Farewell email for resigning
If you choose to announce your resignation via farewell email to coworkers, remember that it’s important to remain polite and respectful. After all, you may still have contact with these coworkers if you work for another organization in the future. In the email, you should briefly and succinctly explain why you’re quitting and what new challenge you’re taking on.
It’s also okay to use a few words of thanks for the time you spent together. Once you’ve explained your reasons for leaving, you can officially say goodbye to your coworkers. This way, you can make sure that all issues are cleared up and there are no misunderstandings.
neuroflash example:
Dear coworkers,
I would like to say goodbye to all of you and thank you for the great time we had together. As you probably already noticed, I have found a new job and will therefore resign. I will miss you all very much and hope that we will stay in touch.
All the best to you,
Farewell email for parental leave
If you decide to take parental leave, you should inform your employer and your coworkers in good time. This gives everyone involved the opportunity to adjust to the new situation and make the necessary arrangements.
A goodbye email to your coworkers is a good way to communicate openly and honestly what you plan to do. In the email, you should clearly state when you are going on parental leave and when you expect to return. If possible, also include a contact address where your coworkers can reach you if any questions or problems arise.
neuroflash example:
Dear coworkers,
I would like to thank you and say goodbye to you. Starting next month, I will be going on parental leave for 5 months. I will take care of my newborn child during this time.
If you have any questions or problems, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you and all the best,
Farewell email for your employee
In the event that you, as the boss, have to part with an employee, it is important to handle the situation with tact. A farewell email to the employee is a good way to defuse the situation and keep the departure from the company in good memory. Even if the employee is leaving the company for personal reasons, a farewell email ensures that the employee feels appreciated and may even recommend the company to others.
neuroflash example:
Dear employee,
we would like to thank you for your cooperation and wish you good luck for the future. We thank you for your commitment and wish you all the best for the future. If you need anything else from us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind greetings,
Your boss
Funny sayings & kind sayings
Depending on how well you know your coworkers and get along with them, there’s nothing wrong with finding a few funny sayings to say goodbye. Here are some examples, created by our neuroflash text generator:
Funny sayings:
- “You always made us laugh – now you won’t have to put up with us!” “We’ll miss you – but only because you brought cake!”
- “Your moving out is our chance to redecorate the office – we’ll enjoy it!” “You always motivated us – now we can finally extend our lunch breaks!”
- “I’m tired of working for the cat.”
- “I have a new job in the sun.”
- “I’m now doing what I really love: doing nothing!”
- “It’s been great working with you – except for the last few days/weeks/months.”
- “I’m taking a well-deserved retirement now – maybe I’ll see you on the unemployment line again!”
- “I’ve found a new job – with the competition!”
- “I want to thank all my coworkers who have always supported me – even if sometimes it was just with a pat on the back.”
- “We’ll miss you, but our coffee fund won’t.” “All the best in your new job – and good luck finding nice coworkers.” “Maybe we’ll see each other again sometime. But not here.”
And for the more sentimental souls among you, we also have some lovely goodbye sayings here:
Nice sayings:
- “We’ll miss you. Thank you for all the wonderful memories.”
- “I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to know you guys. Good luck continuing with the company.”
- “I will miss you guys, but I know you will do great things.”
- “All the best for your future. Thank you for all you have done for me.”
- “I will miss all of you. Thank you for the great times we had together. I wish you all the best for the future.”
- “We have so many great memories together. I will miss you all very much. All the best for the future!”
- “It was a great time with all of you. Thank you so much for everything. I wish you all the best for the future.”
- “We will always remember the good times.”
- “I am very grateful for all the support and friendship I have received over the years.”
- “I hope we can stay in touch and continue to be friends.”
Farewell emails to coworkers are a great way to say goodbye to them. You can express your thoughts and feelings in a goodbye email to show your coworkers how much they mean to you. A goodbye email can also be a nice reminder for your coworkers when they think of you in the future. As long as you follow some rules of thumb, you shouldn’t have any problems formulating such an email. Alternatively, you can still use helpful tools like the free neuroflash text generator to have a farewell email written for you.