
15 Visual Content Marketing Statistics for 2022

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Looking how to upgrade your marketing skills? Learn more about 15 Visual Content Marketing Statistics for 2022

15 Visual Content Marketing Statistics For 2022

Visual marketing is the fastest growing online content marketing strategy. According to a recent study by Content Marketing Institute, 72% of marketers now use visual content as a means to connect with their audiences. With this in mind, we've compiled 15 stats from various studies that will help you keep up with the latest developments in visual marketing.

This is what AI writes about "15 Visual Content Marketing Statistics for 2022"

The Headlines that you Shouldn't Ignore It's enough to make your head spin. We're all living in a world where the headlines are everywhere, and by reading them we can be sure to know what's happening in the world. But there are some headlines that you don't want to ignore, because they could tell you something crucial about what's happening. We've put together this list of headlines that you should never skip over so you can stay informed.

What are related questions around "15 Visual Content Marketing Statistics for 2022"?"

-What is the average age where someone starts using social media?

The average age where someone starts using social media is 15.

-What are the most popular industries for social media?

A few industries that are popular for social media are marketing, medicine, and the entertainment industry. These three industries are all very popular for social media because they offer a wide variety of different content which can be shared on these platforms. Marketing offers information to help people learn about products or services, medicine offers health tips and updates, and entertainment provides quality videos that people enjoy.

-What percentage of people are using social media on a regular basis?

Percentage of people using social media is increasing every year. According to Statista, in 2013 there were 2.74 billion social media users worldwide, and in 2017, that number increased to 3.5 billion. They also found that 12% of people are not using social media at all. This means that 87% of people are using social media on a regular basis.

-What do marketers say would be the most difficult aspect of visual content marketing?

Marketers say that the most difficult aspect of visual content marketing is the amount of time and money needed to create quality images.

-How does social media make it easier to engage with customers?

It is a well-known fact that most people use social media platforms to communicate with friends and family. In order to have a successful business, it is essential to have a strong customer base. Social media platforms allow businesses the opportunity to connect with customers by providing them with prompt attention and answering any questions they may have. This also helps with marketing because customers can give feedback about products and services.

-How will visual content marketing change in 2022?

Visual content marketing is changing and evolving every day, so it's hard to predict what will happen in 2022. On one hand, companies may replace the use of visuals with more videos and podcasts as they become more affordable and easier to produce. On the other hand, as social media becomes more centralized and controlled by a few tech giants, some people may start using a decentralized system like Mastodon to share their visual stories.

How neuroflash's AI copywriter can help

AI copywriting is the next evolution of digital marketing. AI copywriting is the use of artificial intelligence to generate content for your website. AI copywriting can be used to create blog-style content, social media posts, email content, and more.


As a result of the rise of social media, a rapid shift in consumer behaviour and a high dependency on smartphones, marketers are turning to visual content. The use of visuals have increased drastically from 10% in 2014 to over 50% by 2016. Visuals can include photos, infographics, video snippets, or animated GIFs. In 2022, the use of visual content is expected to reach 80%. Marketers are beginning to understand that consumers are not reading anymore and instead prefer images and videos.

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