Black Week Fundraiser
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Join more than 1 million professional content creators and teams and support your work with AI.
Save and donate - are you joining us?
Do something good, write about and help others! We’ve teamed up with the designer community to donate 10% of all net sales from new customers or upgrades from existing customers between 11/17 and 11/30 to one of the 3 charities below.
neuroflash generates the best German texts in the DACH region using AI. The neuroflash magic pen helps in a variety of ways: copywriters can receive ideas and also work much more efficiently.
1. Step: Choose your deal ❤
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33% Discount
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If you don’t have access to neuroflash yet, you can buy a paid account here and simply add the coupon code in the check-out process. If you already have access to neuroflash, simply upgrade in the app and add the coupon code there.
As an existing customer, you will especially benefit from our 33% discount on our annual plans. Of course, you also benefit from the 3 surprise days, where you can write as much text as you want for free.
For this, you can create a free account at any time, with which you can write 2000 words per month. During the Black Week you can also get our basic subscription for the 1st month for 19€. You should create an account anyway – because on the 3 surprise days you can write as much as you want!
Then choose the 2nd deal, with this you get our premium subscription for the 1st month only for 89€. Secure unlimited text generation forever. Because we can’t promise how long we can offer this great deal.
2. Step: Vote for the donation purpose 🤝
10% aller Neuumsätze spenden wir an die Hilfsaktion mit den meisten Stimmen.
Women's rights in Iran
The Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to protect and promote human rights in Iran.
Federal Association for Dyslexia
The Bundesverband Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie e. V. (German Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Association) tirelessly advocates for the concerns of people with dyslexia and dyscalculia and their families.
Ukraine emergency aid
The war in Ukraine means enormous suffering for the population. Millions of people have to flee their homes. An alliance of more than 20 aid organizations is providing emergency aid locally and in neighboring countries.
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We want to help, will you join us?
This promotion lasts until 11/30-11:59pm. We will donate 10% of all net sales from new customers or upgrades from existing customers from the period 11/17-30/11.