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Marketing Campaign Ideas For Politics

Do you need some creativity boost? Go through our over 20 marketing campaign ideas for Politics products.

The 2016 Presidential Election was one of the most controversial in the history of the United States. The election results were a shock to many, and tensions were high in the months that followed. So, how can you run a political campaign successfully? What’s the best way to connect with your audience? The answer is: you need to be authentic.

These are AI generated Marketing ideas for political campaign

  1. Create a Political Opinion Polling Site
  2. Create a blog post series listing your view on the most trending political issues in your country.
  3. Build an app that allows users to keep track of local events and news happening that relates to politics, similar to Eventbrite
  4. Video Marketing Campaign Ideas - Create a video series of political debates between you and other candidates running for the same race.
  5. Create a website where users can post the news events of the day, based on their political affiliation.
  6. Create an app that allows users to create and contribute their own policy ideas to a national database. 3. Host state-wide political debates online using Google Hangouts
  7. Build a forum for commenters to debate political issues related to your business (i.e., healthcare) in real time 5: Develop an app that allows users to coordinate local community projects (i.e., cleanup, raising funds etc.).
  8. Build a voting platform for candidates
  9. Build a "Countdown to Election Day" page where users can track their favorite candidate's status
  10. Create a mobile application that allows users to vote with their phones and track local politics-related news.
  11. Build graphics for your city's mayoral candidates based on political issues, similar to the Obama campaign or Rock The Vote
  12. Develop an online forum or Facebook group highlighting political topics that might generate discussion among both conservative and liberal voters in your area.
  13. Publish a list of your city's best candidates and campaigns.
  14. Create an app that allows voters to rate candidates at the local level and share information with each other about the candidates.
  15. Make it easy for voters on your site to track legislation by following representatives in congress as well as local legislators, then inform them when bills are going up for votes and how they can get involved
  16. Allow users on your political blog to submit questions online directly to politicians in office or running for office, similar to Your Voice Your Vote from MSNBC
  17. Develop an app that polls a selection of live users on current events in politics, much like the apps created by ABC News during the 2012 elections
  18. Publish a list of political blogs to follow on your site
  19. Create an app that allows users to keep track of their favorite political news, similar to Flipboard or Digg
  20. Build a Twitter client for the major Presidential candidates
  21. Write about some of the lesser-known candidates in your local election
  22. Post Facebook photos of events where you've seen presidential hopefuls

Put Your Marketing ideas for political campaign into Practice

A political campaign is a marketing campaign, just in a very different environment. The same principals apply: you have to have a message that resonates with your audience, you have to appeal to their senses and you have to get them to take action.

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