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How to gain copywriting experience

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Want to be a copywriter but not sure how or where to get copywriting experience? Then you've come to the right place.

How to gain copywriting experience

What’s the best thing about copywriting? The freedom to be creative and play with words. The ability to touch people and move them to action. And the chance to create something new and develop your own voice in the process. But how and where can you gain copywriting experience? You can find out here.

What is Copywriting?


Copywriting is the art of writing texts that are intended to achieve a certain effect on the reader. These can be advertising texts, such as slogans, but also texts for websites or product descriptions. Copywriting is a combination of art and craft: the art is finding the right words to evoke the desired emotion in the reader. The craft is to arrange these words in such a way that they captivate the reader and make him do what you want him to do.

What is the purpose of copywriting?

Copywriting is used to promote a particular product or service and convince the reader to buy that product or service. Copywriting is usually used in advertisements, on websites or in brochures.

5 Copywriting basics:

  1. Attention: The first step in copywriting is to grab the reader’s attention. This can be achieved through a headline or an enticing introduction to the text.
  2. Interest: Once you have the reader’s attention, you need to keep them interested. You can do this by presenting him with something new and exciting or by offering him a benefit.

  3. Knowledge:
    Before you call the reader to action, you should have given them enough knowledge so that they know what it’s about and why it’s important to them.
  4. Credibility: For the reader to trust you and your message, you must be credible. This can be achieved through reviews, testimonials or logos.

  5. Call to action:
    Finally, you should prompt the reader to take a specific action, such as contacting you, buying a product, or subscribing to your newsletter.

10 facts about copywriting

  1. The roots of copywriting go back to the time of the ancient Romans, where merchants had to advertise their goods in order to get rid of them.

  2. In the 1920s, copywriting became a discipline in its own right as companies sought to market their products to the public.
  3. The goal of copywriting is to get people to buy something online or in a store – whether it’s a new piece of clothing or a service.
  4. A good copywriter must be persuasive and able to communicate with people at eye level – whether young or old.
  5. The best copywriters are usually also good listeners: they listen carefully to what the customer is saying before trying to talk them into something else.
  6. Good writing requires creativity : it is not only about facts , but also about imagination and creative power.
  7. The key to effective writing lies in the use of language elements such as metaphors, analogies, and oxymora (compounds of words with opposite meanings); all of which make the text more vivid and interesting to the reader.
  8. To succeed, a copywriter should be well-informed at every stage of the project: from planning to execution to completion.
  9. With a lot of work under pressure, there is often no time for research; but it is precisely then that switching off is most important – otherwise there is a risk of burnout.
  10. Nonetheless, those who enjoy good writing and already have or are willing to acquire sound knowledge will successfully take on this academic challenge.

Copywriter: General questions in an overview


Here is an overview of common questions about copywriting.

Where do copywriters work?

Copywriters have a varied scope of work. Most copywriters work for advertising agencies, corporate communications or PR agencies. Others work as independent freelancers and are contracted directly by their clients. A small number of copywriters also work in-house for large companies or organizations with their own marketing or communications teams.

What do you need copywriters for?

Copywriters are typically used to create copy that is intended for marketing or advertising a product or service. Copywriters are often also responsible for designing and writing the content for a website.

How to become a copywriter?

There is no single recipe for becoming a successful copywriter. Instead, you need to have a variety of skills and experience to be successful in this profession. First of all, you should have good written communication skills.

This means that you should be able to write clearly and precisely. It is also important to have the ability to capture the reader’s attention and hold it from beginning to end.

It is equally important to be able to put yourself in the customer’s target group’s shoes. This is the only way to find the right words to address and convince them. Experience in marketing is also helpful, as copywriting is strongly related to marketing. Finally, you need to know which strategies and tactics work and which don’t when it comes to marketing.

What should I consider as a copywriter?

To be successful as a copywriter, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, it is important to have a strong point of view. People need to know where they stand with you. If you’re unsure or don’t have a clear opinion, you won’t get far. Also, stay ahead of your audience and provide them with interesting information. This is how you keep attention and build trust relationships. Last but not least, it is advisable to enrich the text with personal stories and examples – this makes it more credible and engaging.

The qualifications of a copywriter

The qualifications you need to be a copywriter are, first and foremost, creativity and writing talent. Of course, you must also have a good general knowledge and be able to quickly familiarize yourself with new topics. Furthermore, it is important that you can research well and avoid textual errors.

Here are 5 requirements for a copywriter:

  1. A good copywriter should have good comprehension skills. He must understand the client and know exactly what the client wants.
  2. A good copywriter should be able to research well. He must be able to find and prepare the right information.
  3. A good copywriter should have a good writing style. He must be able to write convincingly and hold the reader’s attention.
  4. A good copywriter should be creative. He must be able to develop and implement new ideas to convince the client.
  5. A good copywriter should be well organized. He must be able to maintain an overview and get the job done efficiently.

Why you should gain copywriting experience

If you’re an ambitious writer, it’s likely that at some point you’ll have a desire to learn copywriting. Copywriting is the art of selling by writing copy to persuade potential customers to buy a product or service. It’s a great skill to learn because it allows you to use your writing skills in a way that can really make a difference.

If you are good at it, you can make a lot of money. Plus, it can help you get better at other areas of writing. Here are a few reasons why you should get copywriting experience:

  1. It helps you to improve your writing skills Copywriting is a great way to improve your writing skills. Because you will always try to write as convincingly as possible, you will automatically get better. You’ll learn to write more clearly and concisely and to structure your thoughts better. These skills can also be very useful to you in other areas of writing.
  2. It helps you to know yourself better Copywriting requires a lot of self-reflection. To be successful, you need to figure out what drives you and what your strengths and weaknesses are. This knowledge is not only valuable for your success as a copywriter, but can also help you in your personal life. The better you know yourself, the easier it is for you to shape your life the way you like it.
  3. It is fun Copywriting is also just fun. If you enjoy the challenge of getting people to buy something, you’ll love copywriting. It’s an exciting process and there’s always something new to learn. So if you’re looking for a new challenge and enjoy writing, you should definitely give it a try!
  4. Expectations rise The corporate world has become more complex and customer expectations are rising. In this environment, it’s important that you know how to write copy that persuades and sells.

  5. More online
    More and more people are shopping online – which is why the Internet is becoming increasingly important as the number 1 marketing channel for companies. If you know how to write effective online texts, you have a clear advantage here.

  6. A job in demand
    Copywriters are sought-after experts – not only in Germany, but also internationally!

How to use your copywriting experience

There are many places you can use your copywriting experience. Some of them are companies, advertising agencies, publishers and online magazines. These are just a few of the places where you can use your skills. Here are 3 more little tips about it:

  1. Remember why you started – If you can’t remember why you started or what’s driving you, stop. Go back to the drawing board and find out what the problem is. Was it a mission? Something you burn for? Once you identify the reason, you can proceed.
  2. Learn from mistakes – Everyone makes mistakes and this is part of learning something new. So venture out of your comfort zone and try something new! That’s the only way you’re going to get ahead. Copywriters are often afraid of doing something wrong or being rejected, but without risk there is no success!

  3. Help others – Be nice to each other in the industry! No one is perfect and everyone started small. The help you give to others will eventually be given back to you.

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How can I gain copywriting experience?

One of the best things you can do to gain experience in copywriting is to read and study the work of others. If you have a good feel for language and are familiar with the concepts of writing, you can give more expression to your own voice. Once you get some practice at addressing and persuading people in your style, you’ll find that it becomes much easier to respond to inquiries and accept client orders.

Books on Copywriting:

  1. “The Copywriter’s Handbook” by Robert Bly
  2. “The Elements of Style” by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
  3. “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser.

Online copywriting courses:

Where can I get copywriting experience?

A good way to gain copywriting experience is to work at an advertising or PR agency. There you will definitely do a lot of writing for different clients and projects. You can also gain valuable copywriting experience as a journalist or editor. Of course, you can also take courses or complete a degree program that will prepare you to work as a copywriter.

  1. Do an internship at an agency: Through an internship, you’ll learn the basics of copywriting and gain your first real-world experience.
  2. Work as a freelancer: If you are interested in working independently, it is advisable to start earning money by writing texts for companies or individuals while you are still studying or in parallel.
  3. Writing texts for your own website: Even if you don’t have a client yet, you can already practice writing text content for your own homepage.

Frequently asked questions & answers

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is a form of writing that uses words to evoke certain emotions or reactions in readers.

When is copywriting used?

Copywriting is often used in advertising and marketing to draw the attention of a target audience to a product or service.

What skills are required for copywriting?

To be successful, you should be creative, have good writing skills, and be able to attract readers’ attention.

Useful tips

  1. Write briefly and concisely.
  2. Use bullet points to make your text structured and clear.
  3. Be sure to use clear language and don’t use technical terms that your readers wouldn’t understand.
  4. Use positive phrases and avoid negatively worded sentences.
  5. Be sure to use good spelling and grammar. Mistakes in this area can damage your reputation as an expert.
  6. If you want to use examples, make sure they are relevant and add value to readers.
  7. Use quotes to support your point or present other expert opinions.
  8. Make sure that your text is also optimized for mobile devices – more and more people use the Internet via their smartphone or tablet.
  9. Link to other relevant articles or resources so your readers can get more information.
  10. Review your text thoroughly before you publish it – this way you can make sure it’s free of errors.


Copywriting requires not only a good understanding of language, but also creativity and imagination. You also have to be able to find the right words to achieve the desired effect. Copywriting is a great way to improve your language skills and express your creativity. Now that you know how and where to get and use copywriting experience, it’s your turn to try it out for yourself.

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