
Amazon Product Title

Generate creative and engaging Amazon product titles that make your product stand out and be attractive on Amazon.

An Amazon product title is important because it is the figurehead of the product. The title is the first thing a customer sees, so it should be chosen carefully. A good title can make the difference between a sale and a failure. There is a formula, for excellent Amazon product titles. This method is so powerful because it is essentially based on what customers want to see and hear: Keyword + Key Features/Benefits + Additional Information (if needed) = Perfect Amazon Product Title.

Examples created by neuroflash

Kitchen table lamp with pleasant LED light – energy saving and economical lighting for the kitchen.
LED kitchen lamp with pleasant light, energy saving
Kitchen with LED lamp: pleasant, energy-saving light for the kitchen.

How to write a good brief to get the best AI suggestions

Your brief is extremely important so that neuroflash can write high-quality texts for you. The more precise your brief, the better the AI-written texts. Our rule of thumb is: 1-2 precise sentences or 1-3 meaningful and coherent keywords (separated by commas!). You should ask yourself the following questions for a good brief: What makes your product special? Who is it for? What is important information that should be addressed in the AI-written texts?Kitchen table lamp with pleasant LED light – energy saving and economical lighting for the kitchen.


Give an apt and meaningful key words that represent your product particularly well. What do you want people to associate with your product?

Good Brief Example

Kitchen, lamp, LED, pleasant light, energy saving

Bad Brief Example


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