
Outline – non-fiction

Create a structured and exciting outline for your nonfiction book that will help readers find their way around.

The outline of a nonfiction book is important because it helps convey information to the reader accurately and effectively. A book without a clear outline can be difficult for the reader to understand and may contain important details. A good nonfiction outline includes a clear point of view, meaningful background information, and personal stories that support the point of view. It is also important that the structure of the text is appropriate for the audience. An understandable and engaging presentation allows facts to be vividly conveyed and retained.

Examples created by neuroflash

1. the world beyond our earth 2. the meaning of the stars 3. the rise of astrology 4. the latest findings of astrology 5. the future of astrology 6. the importance of science 7. the dispute between science and astrology 8. conclusion
1. introduction: our cosmos 2. themes of the book 3. the latest findings of astrology 4. the world beyond our earth: an introduction 5. the meaning of the stars 6. the myths of the stars 7. the history of the stars 8. the rise of the stars 9. the fall of the stars 10. what’s next for the stars?
1. the world beyond our earth 2. the meaning of the stars 3. the meaning of the planets 4. the meaning of galaxies 5. the meaning of the universe 6. the future of the universe 7. the dangers of the universe 8. the beauty of the universe

How to write a good brief to get the best AI suggestions

Your brief is extremely important so that neuroflash can write high-quality texts for you. The more precise your brief, the better the AI-written texts. Our rule of thumb is: 1-2 precise sentences or 1-3 meaningful and coherent keywords (separated by commas!). You should ask yourself the following questions for a good brief: What makes your product special? Who is it for? What is important information that should be addressed in the AI-written texts?

Book Title

Enter the title of the book. If you don’t have a title yet, you can use neuroflash to generate title ideas for your nonfiction book.


Describe briefly and concisely what the nonfiction book is about. What are the contents and main messages? What is the focus and what is the subject area covered in the book`.

Good Brief Example

The World Beyond Our Earth – A non-fiction book on the subject of outer space. The book gives the latest findings in the field of astrology.

Bad Brief Example

non-fiction book

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