Templates for your magic pen - neuroflash

Templates by neuroflash's Community

Just copy-paste the command templates below into an empty document and click on command.

Act as a newsletter campaign planner
Contributed by Henrik Roth
Find travel recommendations
Contributed by Henrik Roth
Train for new job interviews
Contributed by Henrik Roth
Act as an expert for e-mail marketing
Contributed by Lasse Bohlens
Pump out content ideas for 2023
Contributed by Henrik Roth
Growth ideas for your business
Contributed by Henrik Roth
Collect pros and cons of a topic and draw a logical conclusion
Contributed by Lasse Bohlens
Reach your goals by motivating words
Contributed by Henrik Roth
Create content accross social media platforms
Contributed by Henrik Roth
Act as an Explaining and simplifying tool for complex topics
Contributed by Lasse Bohlens